The Amazonian jungle, the Argentinean pampas or the New York concert halls—everywhere the Bolero was paid homage to. It was the soundtrack to innumerable melodramas and shot gun movies, today’s Mexican TV Premiers would be unthinkable without its success. Still Bolero tear-jerkers never were mass productions, but compositions comparable to cut and polished diamonds: delicious, crafty and precipitous. For the first time TRIKONT makes some of these legendary, Mexican shellac recordings available from Germany: the wicked hits of the brothel composer AUGUSTIN LARA, the anthems of the “tropical queen” TONA LA NEGRA, the dark laments of the “tenor of the continents” PEDRO VARGAS, the ingenious falsetto works of art from the guitar trio LOS TRES ASES and the songs of many other faded superstars. This compilation is a sound trip through the dance halls, cabarets and gangster’s dens of the sensual Mexico of the thirties, a trip through the emotional world of machos, masochists and love lunatics.”
CD in Digipak mit Booklet in Deutsch & Englisch ausverkauft / Mp3-Download
Herausgeber: Stefan Wimmer
Stefan Wimmer, Münchner, 37. Freier Journalist in Mexiko City, dann Redakteur bei mehreren Lifestyle-Magazinen. Autor des vielgelobten Erzähldebüts „Die 120 Tage von Tulúm“ (2005), das die Süddeutsche Zeitung „das unterhaltsamste, ehrlichste und komischste Stück Männerliteratur der vergangenen Jahre“ nannte. 2008 erscheint sein Nachfolge-Roman „Der vorletzte Action-Hero“ (dtv).
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