Indians, Indians, Indians. Let me tell you about Indians: There’s Hollywood Indians, there’s Fry Bread Eatin’ Indians, there’s Wanna-be Indians, there’s fat, skinny, tall, blond Indians. Let me tell you about Indians: Some are stoic Indians, Indians that ride a horse, Indians that ride Indians, some are long-haired beautiful Indians, some are radical Free-Leonard-Peltier-Indians, some of them Just-Don’t-Give-A-Dam-Indians, frankly I like the type of Indians that always Agree-to-Be-Always-Last-on-Display-Indians.
Indians, Indians, Indians: type of like Partying-To-Get-Drunk-Indians, types that like to fight other Indians, types that like to fight, fight, fight, go to a powwow, see them in their beautiful regalia, wicked smile, Glint-In-Their-Eyes-Indians. – Robert Mirabel, Taos Pueblo
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