Die erste Single aus dem zweiten, gleichnamigen Album „Split Second“, kommt als entspannter Old School HipHop Groove. Eine kleine Melodie im Hintergrund, Keyboards und eine funky Gitarre. Und das dann noch eingehüllt und umweht von Julias unglaublich warmer Stimme mit einer leichten Brise Jazz –mehr brauchts nicht, um ein unverkennbarer FEH-Song zu sein.
The first single from the second, self-titled album *Split Second* arrives as a laid-back old-school hip-hop groove. A subtle melody in the background, keyboards, and a funky guitar. All of it is then wrapped and surrounded by Julia’s incredibly warm voice with a light breeze of jazz—nothing more is needed to create a distinct FEH song.
In the meantime, Feh has evolved into a full-fledged band. While the first album still relied heavily on samples, the five musicians have now decided to play everything themselves and create their own samples in classic trip-hop fashion. This results in a unique sound, bringing a fresh musical dimension to the new album. And what FEH brings to the stage live is not only enchanting but gives each song even more energy. Watch out, the pull they create can lead to wonderfully trance-like states.
For the first album, *Right On Song*, most of the composition and recording was done separately. This time, Julia Fehenberger, Oliver da Coll, and Manuel da Coll have brought their live musicians, Miyajima Mitsuyoshi and André Schwager, on board.